Daniel S. Hamermesh

Yale UniversityPh.D., Economics
University of ChicagoB.A.
Labor and Employment
Competition in Labor Markets
Wage Discrimination
Class Certification
Daniel S. Hamermesh is Distinguished Scholar, Barnard College; Sue Killam Professor Emeritus in the Foundation of Economics at the University of Texas at Austin and Professor Emeritus of Economics, Royal Holloway University of London. His A.B. is from the University of Chicago (1965), his Ph.D. from Yale (1969). He taught from 1969-73 at Princeton, from 1973-93 at Michigan State and 1993-2011 at the University of Texas at Austin. He has held visiting professorships at universities in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia, and lectured at over 250 universities in 48 states and 34 foreign countries. His research, published in over 100 refereed papers in scholarly journals, has concentrated on time use, labor demand, social programs, academic labor markets and unusual applications of labor economics (to beauty, sleep and suicide).
Professor Hamermesh is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and the Society of Labor Economists, a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), of which he is currently Network Director; and he is Past President of the Society of Labor Economists and of the Midwest Economics Association. His magnum opus, Labor Demand, was published by Princeton University Press in 1993. The same press published Beauty Pays in 2011. His book Spending Time: The Most Valuable Resource, was published in 2019 by Oxford University Press. In 2009 Worth Publishers published the third edition of his Economics Is Everywhere, a series of 400 vignettes designed to illustrate the ubiquity of economics in everyday life and how the simple tools in a microeconomics principles class can be used. His undergraduate teaching has gained him several University-wide teaching awards.
Professor Hamermesh has provided expert witness testimony in a number of labor and employment matters, involving both class certification and pattern or practice claims. Most recently, he provided expert testimony for plaintiffs FTC v. Amazon, and testified for the plaintiff in Perry et al. v. Schwarzenegger et al., the landmark challenge to California’s Proposition 8. He also provided expert witness testimony on class certification for the defense in a number of nationwide cases that alleged the suppression of wages among registered nurses.
OnPoint Welcomes New Expert, Professor Daniel Hamermesh, Ph.D.