Larry S. Karp

University of California, DavisPh.D. Agricultural Economics
University of California, BerkeleyB.A. Economics
Antitrust and Competition
Class Certification
Intellectual Property
Trade Disputes
Natural Resources
Economic Damages
Environment and Energy
Dr. Larry Karp is Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Berkeley and has served as department chair. He has also taught at Texas A&M University and Southampton University in the United Kingdom. His current fields of interest include climate policy, including the study of the formation and performance of international environmental agreements and the dynamic features of emissions policy. Other interests include trade policy, industrial organization, and dynamic optimization. He has authored 20 book chapters and co-authored (with Jeffrey Perloff and Amos Golan) Estimating Market Power and Strategies (2008). He has contributed extensively to both theoretical and empirical literature in top publications for over twenty years. He has written more than 70 refereed journal articles for publications including American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM), Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of International Economics, Economic Journal, International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economic Studies, and The RAND Journal of Economics. He was a Research Fellow at the Centre of Economic Policy Research in London, and was elected a Fellow of the Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics in 2008. In 1992 he was awarded (jointly with David Newbery) the Harry Johnson Award for Best Journal Article by the Canadian Economics Association. Dr. Karp has served as Associate Editor for AJAE and for the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, and as co-editor for JEEM.
Dr. Karp has provided expert testimony in cases involving patent disputes, antitrust behavior, market share and class certification in the pharmaceutical industry, valuation of groundwater and the cost of disposal of waste water. He worked as a consultant for the U.S. Department of Agriculture regarding Central and Eastern European agricultural transformation, and for American Express to estimate the incidence of credit card fraud.