Maximilian Auffhammer

University of California at San DiegoPh.D. Economics
University of Massachusetts, AmherstM.S. Resources Economics
University of Massachusetts, AmherstB.S. Environmental Sciences
Natural Resources
Food Processing
Dr. Maximilian Auffhammer is a Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Director of the International Area Studies Academic Programs at the University of California, Berkeley. He also serves as UC Berkeley’s George M. Pardee Jr. Family Chair in International Sustainable Development, as well as Associate Dean for the school’s Division of Social Sciences. His areas of expertise include environmental and resource economics, energy economics and applied econometrics. His research agenda focuses on forecasting greenhouse gas emissions and studying the impacts of air pollution on agriculture. He is a co-editor of the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, and Associate Editor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. He previously served on the editorial board of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Dr. Auffhammer has authored numerous articles and reports on climate change and the environment and his research has been published in leading journals including Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, The Energy Journal, American Economic Review, The Review of Economic Studies, The Review of Economics and Statistics, and The Economic Journal. He has won awards for excellence in both research and teaching, including the 2007 Cozzarelli Prize awarded by the National Academies of Sciences, the 2009 Campus Distinguished Teaching Award, and the 2007 Sarlo Distinguished Mentoring Award.
Dr. Auffhammer currently serves as a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in the Energy and Environmental Economics group. He is also a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a Humboldt Foundation Fellow. As a member of the American Statistical Association, Dr. Auffhammer serves on the Energy Statistics Advisory Committee to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, and on the Subcommittee on Energy Surveys. He is also an Executive Board Member of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Since 2001, Dr. Auffhammer has secured grants for his research from the Department of Energy, California Energy Commission, Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation, Giannini Foundation and the UC Berkeley Committee on Research. He has been invited to present his research at conferences and seminars around the world and co-chaired the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) annual conference in 2011.