Harry de Gorter

University of California, BerkeleyPh.D. Agricultural and Resource Economics
University of GuelphM.Sc. “Agricultural Economics and Business”
University of GuelphB.Sc. “Agricultural Economics and Business”
Trade Disputes
Environment and Energy
Natural Resources
Economic Damages
Dr. Harry de Gorter is Professor at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. He teaches and conducts research on the political economy and applied welfare economics of agricultural trade policy, renewable energy and the environment. Much of his recent work has been on biofuels, agricultural trade reform, and the Doha Development Agenda, especially the impact of subsidies and protection on developing countries. His research is both theoretical and empirical with direct policy implications for governments, international institutions, and non-governmental organizations. Since early 2007, he has worked on the social costs and benefits of biofuel policies, including implications for the environment and energy security. He is a leading expert on the policy economics of biofuels and has been involved with the Doha negotiations and WTO trade disputes concerning biofuel policies. He has recently advised the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Bank on the social costs and benefits of alternative biofuel policies.
Dr. de Gorter has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters, including published articles in the International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Handbook of Economics, and Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy. He recently won the AAEA’s Quality of Communication Award (two prior books to which he contributed have also won this award) and he has won the Best Article Award in the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. He has advised governments and international organizations including the EU, Brazil, FAO, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, World Bank, and WTO, on issues related to agricultural trade policy and renewable energy.