
To be a good expert witness, it is not enough to be smart (or even brilliant). It is not enough to be thorough and careful. It is not enough to be charismatic. The good expert combines solid credentials that fit the case, with a scrupulously disciplined work process, and the ability to explain things in simple terms that really connect with the trier of fact. It’s the balance between these qualities that makes for a truly successful engagement. We stress each of these attributes in the selection, support and preparation of our expert witnesses. Collectively, they cover the field from antitrust to pharmaceuticals, health care, insurance, agriculture, energy, environmental harm, taxation, international trade, telecommunications, real estate and dozens of other fields. Some of these experts have been testifying for decades and are among the most-recognized names in litigation consulting. Others are young, prestigious academics hand-picked by us for their promise as testifiers. We commit to fulfilling that promise through the absolute best in preparation and support. The bios on this website do not represent all of our relationships—even if an obvious match does not appear here, we are likely to be able to supply the right testifier for your case. And, if we can’t, we’ll simply say so.